Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ultimate Reset Review

Ultimate Reset is a beachbody cleanse product. Program is divided in 3 parts and comes with 6 supplements.

What is so different about this cleanse from other market cleanse?
Beachbody provides exact recipes with variety of supplements. Moreover, most cleanse leave your system at detox state and your health is low when you come out of it. Eating anything posts cleanse would make you gain weight very fast. You aren’t aware of your eating habits and cravings don’t go away but rather increase. I remember doing cleanses where I dreamt when this is over I will have this and that. I don’t have those cravings anymore.

Most cleanse diets cause you to lose muscles. I actually gained muscles during this cleanse.

Why do I need detox?
I was doing P90x2 and still craving all sort of food. I was high on dark chocolates. My cravings were very high. I wasn’t getting results I wanted for long time. My weight wouldn’t budge.

My old slow carb diet – I still consider it a perfect diet. However now I have way better tools to tackle it. I don’t want sugary cheat days. Rather my cheat days would be very different now with me trying lot of different stuff. For 6 days I will find a way to mash all the nutrients. Side effect of Slow carb diet was cravings which you could satisfy once a week. But your life revolved around that Sunday.

20 minutes brisk walk and 5  sun salutations. Nothing else needed other than drinking lot of water with mineralize.

My father and I decided to do it together so we can mutually support each other and remind each other to take supplements on time. Keep each other accountable and make other family members jealous.

Ultimate Reset doesn't make you lose muscle? 21 days no exercise and you still don't lose muscles? Well in my case I gained some definition

my dimensions

Weight 85.9 KG 79.9 KGWaist 34.9 34.2 >>was expecting more here Neck 16 16 >> Remains same - sign of maintaining muscles Right bicep 13.2 13.5 >> Gained biceps Left biceps 12.5 12.6 >> Gained biceps Chest 40.2 37.8 >> Good loss here Right thigh 24 22.2 >> Good loss Left thigh 23.5 21.8 >> Good loss
(All figures in inches)

My father doesn’t require his diabetes tablets anymore. He is still maintaining blood pressure tablets but he has never been happier. His blood pressure is very stable. For first time in years his weight has changed. He is more committed to living on this diet. He wants to lose 4 Kg more and maintain that. He doesn’t crave his daily tea anymore and has learnt to switch TV off when he is bored and go to sleep instead of passively emotionally consume unhealthy snacks. When you gain self-control and have a person to keep you accountable with you – you move to next level. You learn to say NO at the right time. My father is extremely thankful that I did reset with him. Now he doesn’t crave anything unhealthy and asks right questions while buying anything in grocery. He has lost more weight than me but he was heavier than me with less muscle definition.

My journey:

Summary and Notes:
1.       Difficult to believe for people who haven’t done it – cravings do go away or at least change with the time.
2.       I have started enjoying the veggies. You don’t hate salad and veggies – you hate the recipes and professional chefs know exactly how to make it taste good and still make it nutritious.
3.       Find someone around you who know how to experiment with tastes.
4.       As soon as you increase your water intake you start feeling lighter. You have to keep water bottle in front of you. Just one thing that would make it worthwhile.
5.       Just following recipe guide won’t help you that much in long term. You need the supplements to help you long term. Remove the cravings etc. You develop a new taste for all the stuff.
6.       I will have to find a way to get more protein in the system by consuming more protein. I will have to figure out if I want to stay Vegan or be a vegetarian. I will experiment with various cuisines such as Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican etc for vegetables.
7.       I feel I have gained class by knowing about veggies and how to mix them. I go to five star hotels and have to explain to the chef how exactly I want my vegetables.
8.       I have to learn to cook.

Day by day break down for who want detailed information.

Phase 1 – Reclaim

Day 1 – I made extremely big mistake of habitually eating chocolates first thing in morning. Then I realized I have already started reset and didn’t use it as setback. I haven’t cheated once since day 1 reset. I literally puked out all the Alkaline as taste was horrible. When I posted it on support group, I got the idea that I should consume it as a shot.  Day 1 evening I really didn’t want to have any dinner. I had such a massive headache that I just wanted to go to sleep. But I took some dinner. I slept around 7 pm and woke up straight next morning 4 am.

Day 2 – I still didn’t stick to plan prescribed. I ate tomato soup and took assorted cottage cheese plate. But at least it was healthier choice for lunch. Anything not prescribed in diet ends here.  It was Independence Day and I maintained my calorie count. In evening I was extremely tired and still was carrying headache.

Day 3 and Day 4 – I started having random pains all over body. It would hurt and then stop hurting in a while. It didn’t make any sense. I also increased my water intake. I thought reset would be easy as I could add honey everywhere. Honey was my easy out on any recipe I didn’t like. I thought this won’t put me off sugar long term and I would still crave it post reset. When I read that fellow patrons were losing all the cravings. I couldn’t fathom it in my head.  

Day 5, 6, and 7 – I was feeling more sleepy than usual. I find it very good sign for someone who could barely sleep through night. Now I am getting deeper sleep. I didn’t want to do much but lie down and read books or watch TV series or chat with friends.

Phase 2 - Release

Day 8, 9, 10 – It was very conspicuous difference I felt consuming Detox. I was expecting very clear bowel but instead I was struck by heavy constipation and was bloated.

Day 11, 12 – I realized I wasn’t craving any products that weren’t prescribed in the diet. It was proving extremely expensive and hence was just consuming only one thing mentioned in booklet.

Day 13, 14 – I realized I have broken my bladder. I would have to instant go for break as soon as I consumed water. It was like take a sip and queue in for toilet.

Phase 3 - Restore

Day 15, 16, and 17 – I was struck with realization that I am getting hungrier. I have started enjoying different type of salads. I can make any salad taste better by adding Garlic sauce and extra nuts. Weight loss had really stalled and constipation did go away little bit when I increased my fruits intake.

Day 18, 19, and 20 – I craved for a decent breakfast instead of just fruits. Now I know fruits won’t cut it for me. I want something solid like roasted chickpeas, lentils or oatmeal for breakfast. Cravings change so quickly. I felt very dizzy moving around and stopped my sun salutation. Whenever I moved suddenly it would take a while before I gained focus. My vision would go blank. I decided to take it slow. Weight gain increased quickly. I was sick and tired of chewing veggies and I craved for something crunchy as choconut or butterscotch or something that sort. Something that popped in mouth and not made me feel like a cow.

Day 21 – Made few mental notes what I would continue to do. I took the day off the walking. I wanted to sleep for a while. My desire for extra sleep is a welcome change. I did go out for paintball play. I was very relaxed. I am getting deeper sleep and it feels better. I feel more relaxed and chilled out.   

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